Date and time
Tuesday 18th February 2020
Bartlett School of Planning UCL
Room G01 – Central House
14 Upper Woburn Place
London WC1H 0N
Urban green space: reflections on ecological design
Matthew Gandy (University of Cambridge)
Ingo Kowarik (TU Berlin)
Bianca Maria Rinaldi (Politecnico di Torino)
Henriette Steiner (University of Copenhagen)
In recent years many European cities have developed innovative park designs that combine environmental objectives such as healthier air, cooler microclimates, and the enhancement of biodiversity with novel approaches to the creation of public space. In this panel event with some of Europe’s leading experts on urban nature we explore some of the latest developments and challenges for enhancing urban nature in contemporary landscape design.
Open and free for all, no need to RSVP.