Date and time
Thursday 28 February 2019
17.00 – 20.00
Room CLM.7.02, Clement House, 7th Floor
London School of Economics and Political Science
265 Strand
London WC2R 1DH
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Revisiting Displacement in Urban Studies
The full programme and registration for the event can be found on Eventbrite:
The Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre, in collaboration with the Urban Salon, will be hosting a roundtable discussion on displacement, incorporating Southeast Asia and beyond.
Displacement has been at the core of a number of critical studies that address problems associated with gentrification, infrastructure development, armed conflicts, and so on, which result in socio-spatial restructuring of existing inhabitants. Displacement is not to be confined to last remaining, direct, physical displacement only: it can be further expanded to look at, for example, what Peter Marcuse in Colombia University was trying to say when he refers to chain displacement, displacement pressure or exclusionary displacement. It would also involve what Rowland Atkinson was trying to highlight in his discussion of symbolic displacement, or what Mark Davidson and Loretta Lees were referring to as phenomenological displacement, all of which involve the experience of displacement effect even if you stay put. At the same time, it will be important to understand how displacement itself will be a longitudinal process, begging the questions of when it starts and ends. Displacement may also be thought of in terms of displacement from histories, memories and subjective attachment to one’s affectionate places.
The workshop brings together speakers who will offer reflections on the meaning of ‘displacement’ in their ongoing and past research, helping us to critically revisit what displacement means for urban studies in general.
This event represents the #urbanisation theme, one of SEAC’s three key focus areas.