Date and time
Tuesday 3rd May 2022
6-7.30 pm (British Summer Time)
via Zoom
Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space by Matthew Gandy
Matthew Gandy (University of Cambridge)
Harriet Bulkeley (Durham University)
Rivke Jaffe (University of Amsterdam)
Erik Swyngedouw (University of Manchester)
Phil Hubbard (King’s College, London)
Jenny Robinson (University College London)
Register here.
The Urban Salon is delighted to host the launch of Matthew Gandy’s new book, Natura Urbana: Ecological Constellations in Urban Space (MIT, 2022). Matthew draws together different strands of urban ecology as well as insights derived from feminist, posthuman, and postcolonial thought to explore the “other nature” that flourishes in marginal urban spaces, at one remove from the controlled contours of metropolitan nature. This is not the poor relation of rural flora and fauna. As he notes, these islands of biodiversity underline the porosity of the distinction between urban and rural, which he explores through close attention to diverse cultures of nature at a global scale.
Matthew Gandy (University of Cambridge) will present his new book which will be followed by a panel discussion and then a Q&A with the audience.
Matthew Gandy is Professor of Cultural and Historical Geography at the University of Cambridge. He is the author of Concrete and Clay and The Fabric of Space, both published by MIT Press.