Matthew Gandy
Matthew Gandy is Professor of Geography at the University of Cambridge. He was previously Professor of Geography at University College London and was founder and first director of the UCL Urban Laboratory from 2005–11.
His books include Concrete and clay: reworking nature in New York City (MIT Press, 2002), The fabric of space: water, modernity, and the urban imagination (MIT Press, 2014), Moth (Reaktion, 2016), and Natura urbana: ecological constellations in urban space (MIT Press, 2022). He has published articles in a range of journals including New Left Review, Society and Space, and the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. He is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker.
Matthew is actively involved in local environmental issues in Hackney, east London, and gives public talks on urban nature and biodiversity. You can find out more details about his current projects at matthewgandy.org.